"Better Together” Zion Dinner Auction Saturday, October 23rd 11th Zion Lutheran Church and School Dinner Auction Saturday, October 23rd at Glenwoodie Golf Club, 19301 State Street, Glenwood, IL. Scrementi's Banquets will cater the event. Ticket sales began August 1st. Tickets are $50 each. Purchase a table of 10 tickets to sit with your friends! Purchase your tickets early to receive a free drink ticket. A Silent Auction is being planned and Kraft Auctions will again be leading our live auction! Ways you can help are: get a group of friends together to attend, donate items for the silent &/or live auction (forms are in the Zion Church narthex), and/or help on Oct. 23 w/set-up. You can call the church office, 708-946-2271, if you have any questions, want to purchase tickets, or would like to make a donation. (All friends of Zion are welcome to attend this Zion Lutheran Church & School fundraising event!) Next Dinner Auction Committee Meeting is Tuesday, September 14th @ 5:30pm. (All are welcome to join!)
"Better Together" - Zion Lutheran Church & School Dinner Auction - Saturday, October 23, 20216/29/2021
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May 2023