4pm @ Zion on Sundays
Please bring a dish to share! We will be watching the series The Chosen by Angel Studios.
4pm @ Zion on Sundays beginning
January 15th. Please bring a dish to share! We will begin watching the series The Chosen by Angel Studios. Thursday, January 12th @ 1pm
Hostesses: Alleen Blum & Carol Blume Program: Bible Study & LWML Collection Wednesday morning Ladies Bible Study will resume on Wednesday, January 4, 2023, 9:30am to 11am in the conference room at Zion. The book we will be exploring is: “Golden Fruit: Living the Fruit of the Spirit through the Best Times of Your Life” by Julie Maschhoff. Each session focuses on one Fruit of the Spirit and considers how the lives and stories of nine biblical women convey that characteristic. If you are interested in joining us or have questions about the group, please contact Nancy Hamilton @ [email protected]. The cost of the books will be around $12.00 but don’t let the cost keep you from attending! Thanks and hope to see you! Nancy Hamilton Dorcas Ladies and Senior Worshipers – you are invited to attend the Communion Worship Service at 11 am followed by the Christmas Dinner at 12 noon in the Parish Hall. Plan on attending! You will be amazed at the wonderful food they prepare for this special occasion. Following the dinner, you are invited to stay for games with prizes. Dorcas members, you are asked to bring a dish to share. Hostesses: Annie Janota, Ginny Peterson, & the Senior Worship Committee. Visitors & Guests are always welcome to attend.
Zion NewsCategories
May 2023