With the dramatic decrease of Covid cases nationwide, Zion’s Board of Elders determined at their latest meeting to begin serving the Lord’s Supper at the communion rail near the church chancel. This practice begins this weekend. Also, for the same reasons, they and Pastor will no longer wear masks or gloves at any time during the service. If you wish to receive Holy Communion at your seat, simply stand or raise your hand as the Elders and Pastor make their way through the church at the beginning of distribution. They will come to you in your pew. This decision follows multiple requests of many members during the last few weeks; yet, we know that there are many thoughts from God’s people on the best way to remain healthy. If you have any questions or concerns regarding this, kindly speak with Pastor or one of our Elders.
Historically, Lent is considered to be a penitential season in the life of the Christian. This year during Lent (which begins on Ash Wed., March 2nd) specific times are established for our members to participate in private confession and absolution. Pastor Rock will be available in the sanctuary on three Saturdays (Mar. 5th, 19th, & Apr. 2nd) starting at 3:45 and ending by 4:30 pm. (The ending time is set so Pastor can prepare for the 5 pm Divine Service.) These opportunities are in addition to the always-available option to call Pastor and arrange a mutually agreeable appointment.
Although some denominations demand that their members make a private confession at least once each year, our Lutheran theology puts no such requirement on the Christian. Rather, we understand private confession and absolution to be a privilege of the Christian and it is a gift of God available to him or her. There may be a bit of awkwardness the first time that a person utilizes this rite. Yet, the conclusion of the rite – the Absolution from God – spoken through the Pastor, FAR outweighs any initial uneasiness. In the front of Lutheran Service Book, p. 292, the actual rite is shown. Also, for further reading on the subject, you may review your Small Catechism. Lenten Sermon Series: “The Father of Lies” 2:00pm & 6:30pm Date Sermon Title Preacher Mar. 2 “You Know Best” Rock Mar. 9 “You Are a Brick” Estby Mar. 16 “Sit Back and Wait” Stein Mar. 23 “A Little is Alright” Meissner Mar. 30 “Church Leaders Are Always Right” Rock Apr. 6 “Entertainment Is Always Entertaining” LaMie PLEASE NOTE: Only on March 2 & April 6 will both the 2 & 6:30 pm services be held at Zion. The 6:30 pm services on Mar. 9, 16, 23, & 30 will be held at St. John, Eagle Lake (28054 S. Yates, Beecher). ALL of the 2 pm services will be held at Zion.
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May 2023